Thursday 3 April 2008

Wow it's HTML

I wasn't going to post twice in one day but today I feel like I have made a break through in my learning of all good things to do with the online world of marketing.
Today I dabbled with HTML. Yes HTML, and if you had told me that I would do this not that long ago, I would have said 'impossible'
The task that I did was something very simple to those that know how but to me it was a giant step for man kind from me. All I did was add a HTML meta tag to a website and it worked!
I still can't believe it as I type this and I know a few of my friends would laugh if they were with me now for it is such a small application but hey, I don't know anything about HTML so it's a major deal for me.
I'm one of those who believes in outsourcing. There is no point in wasting time trying to learn something for weeks on end and it will look so so. Your better off giving it to the pros to deal with in a fraction of the time you would spend on the job and it will look good.
Anyway I've got my good feeling off my chest and I will now go back to what I was talking about before my diversity.

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