Friday 11 April 2008

Outsource or not to Outsource

Outsourcing is a difficult dicision to make when you first start out because the money is in short supply and you think your invincable. You can do it all. No no no!
The small price you pay for someone elses help is a ripple in the ocean to what money you could save in time that you would spend on a project that your not too sure on how to execute yourself.
The question you should ask yourself is how much are you worth? What price do you set yourself at per hour. If you think your worth $100 an hour how long will it take you to do the project at hand? 2 hours, 4 hours, a day. How much would it cost to outsource your project?
Utillising your time correctly is the only way to make money. Don't waste time on jobs that take you forever to do because as I said before in a roundabout way 'time is money'
I found out the hard way. I tried to set up my membership site on my own for quite a while then thought to myself what am I doing ? I could have paid someone to do the job for me and they would have done it within a couple of days rather than many months. So I bit the bullit in the end and got someone to help and voiala. It was done in a matter of days!
I could have banged my head on a wall for not doing this sooner.

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